Client Information System
PDF Consent Form
PDF Interview
PDF P&EI Interview
PDF Registration
PDF Discharge |
The Kentucky Kids Recovery Programs includes 19 specially funded substance abuse treatment programs for adolescents. The outcome evaluation project is commissioned by the Kentucky’s Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental, and Intellectual Disabilities through a contract with the University of Kentucky Center on Drug and Alcohol Research Behavioral Health Outcome Studies (UK CDAR BHOS). Client-level data collected in this project allows for (1) the counting of the number of adolescent clients served with these specific funds; (2) describing characteristics and functioning of clients served; and (3) for clients who receive treatment services, examination of pre-treatment to post-treatment change in substance use and other key targeted outcomes.
The core of this evaluation is the client-level data that is collected by programs using the Client Information System (CIS) and the follow-up interviews that are conducted by UK CDAR with adolescent clients in treatment who agree to be contacted for the follow-up interview. Follow-up interviews are conducted by the UK CDAR BHOS research team and are independent of the treatment agency in order to confidentially examine client progress in treatment.
What is the CIS?
The Client Information System (CIS) is a secure website that was developed and tailored for each project to provide users with easier and intuitive access to the baseline or intake data collection system, secure data entry, and data management display features.
What can I do with the CIS?
The CIS has several important functions. Users can:
- Register each client. Users will use the secure online Client Registration Survey to record client information that will be the census of clients served in Kentucky Kids Recovery Programs. All adolescent clients (including prevention and early intervention as well as treatment clients) should be registered in the system. This process takes the clinician or program staff person a few minutes to complete. Once clients are registered in the system, the clinician can begin the Intake Interview with the client.
- Enter intake information for each client. Users can manage their intake data through the CIS by first entering information about active clients. Clinicians complete an abbreviated Intake Interview with prevention and early intervention clients. Clinicians complete the full Intake Interview, which is the same as the AKTOS Intake Interview, with adolescent clients who are to receive treatment services (including in home, outpatient, intensive outpatient, crisis stabilization, and residential).
- Download a client narrative. After completing an Intake Interview, users can download a client narrative which summarizes, in narrative form, responses from the client and includes ASAM-level of care recommendations consistent with the American Association of Addiction Medicine Placement Criteria (PPC2-R). This narrative report can be placed in the client’s file for future reference.
- Enter discharge status and service encounter information. Users enter information about the discharge status and types and numbers of service encounters with the client during the treatment episode.
- Mid-level reporting. Users can request a mid-level report which shows how many intakes have been submitted. Some of the mid-level reports display how many clients have entered the user’s facility and how many discharges have been made within a user selected timeframe.
For more information on the features and capabilities of the CIS, please visit (
What happens to the data after I enter the intake information online?
After intake and follow-up interviews are completed for this two-year project, the data will be analyzed by UK CDAR BHOS and the findings will be published in a report.